平成29年度 神戸大学経済学部3年次編入学試験







(This Application Guideline is available for international students enrolled at a university that has an Agreement with the Faculty of Economics, Kobe University (hereinafter, “Partner University”) for the Double Degree Bachelor’s Program.)

1. 神戸大学経済学部のアドミッション・ポリシー Admission Policy – Undergraduate



1. 幅広く,豊かな教養とともに経済学を基盤とした専門的知識を身に付け,社会の様々な出来事を分析し,論理的・創


2. すぐれたコミュニケーション能力を発揮できる学生。

3. 国際的に活躍するため英語など外国語を習得し,異文化を理解できる学生。

Economics investigates how to improve our welfare. The Faculty of Economics is seeking to foster individuals who can play leading roles in wide-ranging fields in society on the basis of a spirit of integrity, freedom and cooperation which has been handed down since the establishment of Kobe Higher Commercial School, the predecessor.

The Faculty of Economics accepts students with the following qualifications:

1. Student who has the ability to analyze accurately and think logically and creatively various phenomena in society with specialized knowledge based on economics as well as extensive and rich liberal arts.

2. Student who can exercise communication skills excellently.

3. Student who has English and/or other language skills to play active roles in the international community, and the ability to understand different cultures.

2募集人員 Number of Students to be Accepted

各大学2名まで Up to two students from each university

3.入学時期 Date of Entrance

平成2941日 April 1, 2017



4出願資格 Eligibility






Eligible applicants will meet all of the following qualifications.

1. The applicant has at least 2 years academic background (not including leave of absence period) completing the first-two-year courses and acquired at least half of the graduation requirements credits in the Partner University or the applicant is expected to meet this condition by March 2017.

2. The applicant is recommended by the President or the Dean of the Partner University where the applicant is enrolled, and guarantees to join the program if the applicant passes the entrance examination

5出願手続 Application Procedures

(1)出願の方法 How to Apply


The applicant must submit all of the documents in Table 1 during the application period by registered mail to the Academic/Student Affairs Office of the Faculty of Economics, Kobe University.


Write in red on the front of the envelope, “Application is enclosed”.


The applicant will be notified by e-mail when the application documents have been received.

(2)出願期間 Application Period



September 26, 2016 – September 30, 2016 (JST) (deadline)

(3)出願書類の送付先 Postal Address

〒657-8501 神戸市灘区六甲台町2-1   神戸大学経済学研究科 学部・大学院教務係

The Academic/Student Affairs Office of the Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University

2-1 Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe, 657-8501, Japan

(4)出願に必要な書類 Application Documents


The following documents must be prepared by the applicant. Note that incomplete documents may not be accepted.


Application documents will not be returned to the applicant for any reason.


All documents should be prepared in Japanese or English. However, the following application documents ① and ② should be prepared in Japanese.

Table 1 出願書類一覧


Application Form

  • 本学部所定の用紙に必要事項を記入してください。

Fill out the enclosed form.


Statement of Purpose

  • 本学部所定の用紙に必要事項を記入してください。

Fill out the enclosed form.


Letter of Recommendation from the President or the Dean of the Partner University where the applicant is enrolled.

  • 協定校大学長又は学部長が作成し、厳封してください。

The letter of recommendation must be written and sealed by the President or the Dean of the Partner University.


Academic transcript from the university where the applicant is enrolled(original)

  • 協定大学長又は学部長が作成し,厳封したもの(単位数が記入されたもの)
  • 履修中の科目がある場合,履修登録のコピーも提出してください。

The academic transcript should include the number of credits acquired, and should be made and sealed by the President or the Dean of the Partner University.

If applicants have registered subjects, please also submit a printout of course registration status screen.

Proof of Japanese language proficiency.


Certificate of Attendance

  • 本学部所定の用紙に必要事項を記入してください。

Fill out the enclosed form.


1 Photograph of the Applicant

  • 本学部所定の用紙に必要事項を記入し,写真を貼付してください。

Glue one photograph of the applicant on the enclosed form.

  • 写真は,出願前の3ヶ月以内に撮影した上半身脱帽,正面を向いたもので,縦4.5cm×横3.5cmです。

The photograph should be 4.5cm×3.5cm showing a front view of your full face without a hat. It must be taken within the last 3 months.


Entrance Examination Fee (30,000 yen)

  • 神戸大学の指定する銀行口座に,日本円で30,000をできるだけはやく納付してください。納付期限は平成28年9月30(日本標準時)です。方法は以下のとおりです。





Applicant must pay 30,000 yen into the bank account of Kobe University as soon as possible. The due date for payment is September 30, 2016(JST). The method of payment is described below:

The applicant must send an e-mail to the Academic/Student Affairs Office of the Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University after September 10, 2016 (JST). The applicant’s name and contact information should be specified in the e-mail.

The Academic/Student Affairs Office will inform the applicant of the bank account number and how to pay the fee.

Before making the payment, the applicant should inform the Academic/Student Affairs Office of the applicant’s name and nationality, and the date and amount of the payment.

The Academic/Student Affairs Office will inform the applicant as soon as the payment has been confirmed.

身分を証明するもの Identification

  • パスポートなどの身分を証明するものを提出してください。

Submit a copy of the applicant’s family register, certificate of citizenship, or passport.


Document of Financial Support for Overseas Study



Submit a copy of your income certificate or bank balance certificate to prove that you have enough financial resources for your study.


As for documents made by languages other than Japanese or English, please attach their translation into Japanese or English.

6選考方法及び試験の内容 Admission Process


Applicant will be screened by the following type of examination, Statement of Purpose and Academic Transcript.

面接 Interview


The applicant will be questioned by e-mail or through an online interview mainly on the Statement of Purpose.

7.面接の日時 Time and Date of Interview Examination


The time and date of the interview will be notified to the applicant at a later date.

8合格者発表 Examination Results


The official examination result will be sent to the applicant by post in late November, 2016. We do not answer telephone or e-mail inquiries.


9入学手続 Registration


Registration for successful applicant is described below.

(1)日 時 Date

平成29310日 ~ 平成29315

March 10, 2017 – March 15, 2017 (deadline)


(2)場 所 Place


The Academic/Student Affairs Office, the Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University

Rokkodai-Honkan Building 1F, 2-1 Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe, 657-8501, Japan


Applicants will be required to register in person.

(3)手続きに必要な書類 Necessary Documents for the Enrollment Procedure


The necessary documents for enrollment will be mailed to successful applicant with the official examination results.

10学  費 Fees


The Entrance and Tuition Fees for the Academic year 2016 (subject to change after Academic year 2017) are outlined below.

If tuition fees change during the term of enrollment at Kobe University the applicant will be required to pay the revised fee.

(1)入学料   282,000円

Entrance Fee: 282,000 yen

(2)授業料   535,800円(前期分267,900円,後期分267,900円)

Tuition Fee: 535,800 yen/year, 267,900 yen/semester

11特記事項 Special Notes


Application documents will not be returned to the applicant for any reason.


The examination fee is non-refundable.


Any falsification of information in application documents may lead to non-admission, or dismissal after admission.


12神戸大学における個人情報の取扱いについて Handling of Personal Information at Kobe University


(1) 本学が保有する個人情報は,「独立行政法人等の保有する個人情報の保護に関する法律」等の法令を遵守するとともに,「神戸大学の保有する個人情報の管理に関する指針」等に基づき,厳密に取り扱います。

(2) 入学者選抜に用いた試験成績等の個人情報は,入学者の選抜(出願処理,選抜実施),合格発表,入学手続業務及び今後の入学者選抜方法の検討資料の作成のために利用します。

(3) 出願にあたってお知らせいただいた個人情報は,入学者についてのみ入学後の学生支援関係(健康管理,授業料免除及び奨学金申請等),修学指導等の教育目的及び授業料等に関する業務並びにこれらに付随する業務を行うために利用します。

(4) 一部の業務を本学より委託を受けた業者において行うことがあります。この場合、業務を行うために必要となる限度で個人情報を提供しますが、守秘義務を遵守するように指導します。


1. Kobe University will keep the confidentiality of personal information according to guidelines such as the “Guidelines on the Management of Personal Information Held by Kobe University” and strictly comply with laws such as the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information Held by Independent Administrative Agencies, etc.’’

2. Personal information such as the grades of the entrance examinations will be used for the admissions procedure (such as the selection of applicants), the announcement of successful applicants, enrollment procedures, and for the purpose of improving the admissions procedure in the future.

3.  For the students who enroll, the personal information provided in the application documents will be used for various procedures of assisting students (e.g., health management, tuition exemption, and scholarship application), as well as for various educational purposes such as academic guidance, tuition-related operations, and other related operations.

4.  Kobe University entrusts some parts of its administrative procedures to third parties. In such cases, we will give them the minimum information necessary and instruct them to strictly comply with the personal information confidentiality regulations.


13その他 Other Notes






1.  Successful Applicants who applied by Eligibility No.1 should submit an Academic Transcript at the time of

entrance registration to show that they satisfy the credit requirements at the university where the applicant is enrolled.

Those who do not meet this requirement cannot enroll in our Faculty.

2.  Previously acquired credits in Partner Universities can be approved as Kobe University credits to some extent. Depending on the number of approved credits, some students may have difficulty in graduating in two years.

3.  For further inquiry, please contact the Academic/Student Affairs Office of the Faculty of Economics.

(Contact information is attached below.)



Faculty of Economics, Kobe University

《問い合わせ先》                                          《How to contact us》

神戸大学経済学部教務係                              Academic/Student Affairs Office

Faculty of Economics, Kobe University

TEL 078-803-7250  FAX 078-803-6877          TEL +81-78-803-7250   FAX +81-78-803-6877

E-mail               E-mail